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3rd Generation Pig Farmer

We come from a long line of farm and ranchers. Agriculture runs strong in our little mountain communities. My Grandpa started pig farming back in the 1960s. He started with 21 pigs in his back yard and grew too selling over 100,000 pigs per year. He farmed many years with his brothers and sons. Pig farming treated our family and community well for years until the late 1990s. Many small farms like ours went out of business. I was very young when our farm went out of business and didn't have to wade all the hardships. I grew up loving animals and always found caring for them both rewarding and satisfying. This love did not die as I grew up. I found myself reading/listening to books and articles on anything I could get my hands on related to farming. I spent hours watching YouTube videos explaining farming and marketing models. My dad and I bonded deeply as I asked him questions about his days raising pigs. I found evidence that there is a better way to farm. After being out of business for more than 20 years Snowflake Pig Farms was born again.




Snowflake farms is a farrow to finish operation rooted in the mountains of Arizona. We offers high quality mountain pork. We raise a heritage breed known as Berkshire. Berkshire is known as the "Wagyu of pork". We honor our pigs by giving our them plenty of room to roam, and dirt or deep bedding to root up. This makes for a happy healthy stress free pig that produce meat with a deep red color with plenty of marbling and flavor.

Pork producers for years pushed the narrative, "Pork the other white meat". Trying to get the product onto the house wives kitchen table. Breeders around the country bred these animals to have lean carcasses, and they did a great job. Pork within the grocery store is pale white and almost looks like chicken. Our pork is very different. At first I didn't think there was a difference until I tasted it for myself. Pork chop that don't dry out.... It's a miracle. Don't take my word for it, come visit our farm pick out your own pig. Let us raise it for you. We would love to see you!!

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